54 Reasons Why Parents Suck and Phew!

Author : Swati and Swaraa Lodha
Genre : Non-Fiction

I was skeptic when I chose this book as my next read, I really thought it would be a satire or maybe a book on how children should understand parents, basically anything but what the title says and I was proved wrong, this book is everything the title says and an honest one at that.
This book is not bias as it is written by a mother-daughter duo, mostly by a mother who pens down her daughter’s thoughts towards parents and their parenting methods, they even did a survey before writing this book.
There are 54 chapters and each chapter discusses a different problem children face. What I really liked about this book, is that at the end of every chapter there is a solution or an approach for parents on how to tackle the problem discussed.
The writing is hilarious, and very easy to understand. I as a child of Indian parents, related a hundred percent with all the problems mentioned. This book could easily be a guide for future parents to be. I feel like all the opinions which a child cannot voice is in this book, and can easily use it to share their opinions with their parents.
You might not relate to all the problems mentioned but I am sure there will be some of them to which you’ll relate. I definitely recommend this book, even though it’s a non-fiction book, I thoroughly enjoyed it and delved into it like it was a fiction book.
My Verdict : 5/5
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