Like all the potterheads of the world, even I wished to have a place in my city, which was based on the Harry Potter series, and after so many years my wish came true, so how could I miss the chance of paying this place a visit.
LOCATION- The nearest metro station is Rohini East, it is on the red line(towards Rithala), the first and major problem is the location of this cafe, it is in a seperate corner of Delhi and it is a bit difficult to reach here.  
AMBIENCE AND SEATING - As soon as you reach here, you cannot miss the sign of ,"No Muggles allowed beyond this point," and it just wins you over. On the other hand, once you come out of your suprise and awe for this sign you'll notice that there is practically no seating available here. There is only space for six to eight people to sit at once, that too in a congested manner.

While we were waiting to get seated we placed our order and started observing the small touches and merchandise the owner has added, and it's quite impeccable. They have tiny little Hedwigs, the sorting hat which was electronic and said the names of all four houses, lots of wands, a broom, posters of Harry Potter, the map of Hogwarts and the sign of platform 9 3/4.

FOOD- We have to praise the quirky names on the menu, they totally fascinated us and we so wanted to try each and every dish solely for their name,(they have a wand against the name of the dishes they recommend) but we couldn't so we ended up ordering the following-

1. Frozen Butterbeer- How could we not order this? We were so excited to finally taste Butterbeer but sadly we were not impressed, it just tasted weird.
2. Butterbeer Shake- Again, how could we not try anything with the name Butterbeer? This one was slightly better then it's counterpart, will definitly recommend this one over the previous one.
3. Amortentia(Kit Kat Shake)- This one was good, we loved the presentation of the shakes,i.e, they had froth on top of them so that you could get a moustache while drinking it just like in Harry Potter.
4. Wizards Brew(Classic Cafe Frappe)- Absolutely loved this one, it was strong flavour wise and totally our type of drink.
5. Cocktail (Mix Sauce Pasta)- They serve the vegetables in a seperate corner of the plate, so it really became easy for those who don't like vegetables in their pasta, to have it. The pasta was good, we liked it.
6. Spider Web Nachos Platter- These are super spicy, as Tobasco sauce is not only mixed in their salsa but they also put it on the nachos. We would definitely not recommend this to anyone who cannot handle spicy food, but those who can should definitely try this. It was really good.

PERSONAL VIEW- Honestly,we had high expectations from this place but sadly it didn't live up to it,especially the butterbeer and the seating but to get a Harry Potter experience in Delhi one should definitely visit here.

Overall experience : 3/5

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