Genre: Historical Fiction, Fantasy
Number Of Pages: 744 (E-Book)

             " We were born; we lived; we died. And the cycle continued endlessly on. So many lives lived. And when we died, we simply vanished. A few generations would go by. And no one would know we even were. No one would remember the colour of our eyes or the passion that raged inside us. Eventually we all became stones in the grass, moss covered monuments, and sometimes..not even that."

This book is poetic, lyrical, heart-wrenching and amazing. The setting of this book is Ireland in 2001 and Ireland during the Irish revolutionary period, 1916-1922. Anne Gallagher goes to Ireland in 2001 to know more about her heritage, little does she know that the things she had only read about were soon to come alive.

Harmon has done an amazing work, the ease with which this whole book is written is commendable. The transition from present to past, the fluidity of the scene changing from one decade to another is beautiful and effortless.

Harmon's words are so beautiful that you will be captured in them only to be released at the end of the book, still wanting more.

The book is written from the point of view of two characters, Anne & Thomas, each chapter alternates in the narration, one is narrated by Anne, one by Thomas as a entry in his journal which I found unique and interesting.

The work of W.B. Yeats, who is a famous Irish poet plays an integral part of the story as every chapter in this book starts with a poem of his, and each poem sets the mood for the entire chapter.

This is the first book I read by Amy Harmon and I think I'll be reading more of her work now.

I absolutely enjoyed the touch of fantasy and romance in this book even though I am not a fan of either of these genres. This book did nothing but amaze me. On a side note, I would have preferred a tragic ending but I still loved the ending as it was.

My Verdict: 5/5

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